North End - 7km round trip
**Disclaimer** We recommend that all walkers take sensible precautions when exploring our local area. Take a hat, suncream, water and a mobile phone. Sebastian's can not take responsibility for the health and safety of any walker following the walks described on this website. We strongly recommend that you use sturdy shoes when working off-road and let your hotel know your plans. Enjoy and have fun!)
This walk will take you out of the Agios Gordios towards Sinarades and then back down towards the beach for a great walk along its entire length. Around 7kms round trip - don't forget to take your swimsuit!
Walking Directions
Walk into the centre of the village by the bus stop and GB's supermarket and bear left up the hill towards Sinarades (the way your coach/Taxi came in). As you walk, you will pass the Pink Palace Hostel on your right and at the first hairpin bend, about a mile outside the village, turn left onto a roadway/track signposted "Sinarades by foot" and Pelagos apartments.
Follow the track down keeping right and walk for a mile or so through the olive groves. The track begins to narrow and you will come to a point where it divides. You take the path to the left (black/green gates in front of you) and follow the path down past a lovely little church and then along a bit further and down a narrow path that passes 3 houses on the left.
You come out at a beach covered with large stones and boulders. If you turn left and walk 2-3 minutes you will soon reach a deserted sandy beach area. Now is the time to take a refreshing swim! To reach Agios Gordios you just continue walking all the way back along the beach, past the shipwreck and Black Rocks bar until you reach Agios Gordios (this should take in between 45 minutes to 1 hour at the most). This stretch is pretty rocky so we would advise you to wear something sturdier than flip flops!